Clynalwin German Shepherd Dogs *** Tel: Claire 07879 452131 *** Site Created and Maintained by Clynalwin  ***

German Shepherd Dogs 
Kennel Club Assured Breeder Since 2005

Regional Shows 
Open & Championship Shows

VV1 6th October 13 Midlands Regional  judge Paul Rattigan

VV2 December 13  Christmas Cracker  judge Craig Rice

SG1  BRITISH YOUTH SIEGER   Sept 14 …. BRITISH SIEGER SHOW  judge Herr Lothar Quoll

SG1 5th October 14 Midland Regional (Young Male) judge Marcel Mignolet

1st PD, BP, Puppy Group 3  23rd Nov 13 Nott & Sherwood Foresters judge James O’Brian

3rd PD 7th Dec 13  Essex Champ Show  judge Neil Dodds

1st MPD 14th Dec 13  LKA Champ Show  judge Carol Pomfrey

1st PD, BOB, BP, Pastoral Grp 1, Puppy Grp1  28th Dec 13 Ashbourne CS Judge Peter Scarth

1st PD  18th Jan 14   Manchester Champ Show  judge Albert Wight

1st PD, BP  15th Jan 14  National Working & Pastoral Brds  judge Kim Harrison

1st BP, Puppy Group 1, 16th Jan 14  Suffolk Kennel judge Sally Gunner

3rd PD, 6th March 14, CRUFTS   judge Di Stirling

1st P, BP, 15th March 14, Potterries CS  judge Heather Corkin

3rd PD 22nd March 14, Allertonshire Champ

1st P, BP  23rd March 14, Retford CS judge Tony & Julie

1st Junior   6th April 14, Sheffield GSD  judge Sam Hall

1st Junior  19th April 14, Wales Champ  judge Mel Hardy

3rd Junior  28th June 14, 2 Day Champ Show  

2nd Junior  12th July 14, National W & P Champ  judge J Kirby

2nd Junior  20th July 14, Midland Counties Champ judge Damir Funkenspiel

3rd Junior 30th Aug 14, City of B’ham Champ judge M Wildman

1st Junior  20th Sept 14, Clyde Valley GSD  judge Sally Gunner

1st PG, BD, BIS, 19th Oct 14  Sheffield GSD  judge Paul Cassidy

1st PG, BOB  25th Oct 14  Kensington CS  judge Ray Sullivan

2nd PG  15th Nov 14, W& P Scotland  Champ Judge Gary Gray

Clynalwin’s Kayson SG1

Sire :Tormenstorp Never Ever ScH1 4Rcc

Dam : Clynalwin Dee

BVA / KC Hips 7:7  -  BVA / KC Elbows 0:0

Haemophilia Clear, DNA Profiled

Multiple Open and Championship Show Winner

Best Of Breed Winner

Best Puppy in Breed Winner

Working towards his IPO qualifications

Class One Breed Survey

British Youth Sieger 2014